Our Story

It all began one day while working as an EMT near my hometown of Huntington Beach, CA. As an EMT I worked 24 hour shifts and found myself in a constant struggle to maintain my hair for such a long duration of time. In order to achieve a professional appearance I went through countless combinations of hair products and a ridiculous morning ritual (often accompanied by the teasing of my fellow EMT’s) for years. One day while working with a new partner I began my morning hair styling routine and upon seeing the array of gels and hairsprays I was using, suggested I try a pomade that he used- I saw the light, and my life was changed forever.

In the following weeks I was so enthused by my discovery that I had to tell my brother of the power of a pomade. After hearing me describe how pomade had given me back countless minutes of my morning my brother (a CEO of a local manufacturing company) asked if he could see the jar. He stated he could make me a similar product that would cost less and offer the same strong hold that I had grown to love. Needless to say I was ecstatic! Working as an EMT is rewarding in several ways but left something to be desired financially. For this reason spending 20 dollars for a little can of pomade was not something that I did willingly.

Driven by a desire to look good for a reasonable cost the research and development phase began. Through extensive product testing we were alarmed to find that many existing water-based pomade formulas resulted in extreme damage to many user’s skin and hair. To solve this issue we would need to create a new formula from scratch. In order to promote healthy hair and skin we decided to try to make a pomade completely from Aloe Vera and replace harmful ingredient with healthier alternatives. After months of experimentation and dozens of failed formulas it appeared that I would be returning to an overpriced, skin drying and hair damaging alternative.

Despite this momentary discouragement I knew that past failure fuel future accomplishments and the decision was made to continue with the process. On the very next batch the perfect formula was discovered! We had done it! We were able to create an aloe-based, water soluble pomade that had it all! Perfect styling ability, a strong hold, and most importantly it was extremely healthy for the user’s hair and scalp. The next step was distributing it to family, friends, and co-workers and the response was unanimous- all those who used the pomade exclaimed that their hair never looked or felt so good. This response, along with the countless request for additional jars of pomade, made it clear that this Pomade was something special.  

Thus, Boardwalk Pomade was created.

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